Exponent-VRFs and their applications

Yehuda Lindell

Verifiable random functions (VRFs) are pseudorandom functions with the addition that the function owner can prove that a generated output is correct, with respect to a committed key. Yehuda Lindell (Coinbase) introduces the notion of an exponent-VRF, or eVRF, which is a VRF that does not provide its output explicitly, but instead provides a generator of some finite cyclic group. He constructs eVRFs from DDH and from the Paillier encryption scheme (both in the random-oracle model). He shows that an eVRF can be used to solve several long-standing open problems in threshold cryptography.

He also discusses what advantage simulation-based definitions have over game-based definitions in the context of threshold signatures.

This is joint work with Dan Boneh and Iftach Haitner.

About the presenter

Yehuda is the Head of Cryptography at Coinbase. Prior to that, he was the CEO of Unbound Security and a professor of Computer Science at Bar-Ilan University. Yehuda’s research is mainly focused on the theoretical and applied aspects of secure multiparty computation (MPC).

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