HACK UK: Announcing a16z’s first ever London Hackathon

Anthony AlbaneseJay DrainElizabeth Harkavy

“The empires of the future are the empires of the mind.” – Winston Churchill

Today, UK tech entrepreneurs are in prime position to build cutting-edge tech that could improve the world. As rapid advancements in artificial intelligence, blockchain, biotech, aerospace, and energy accelerate humanity forward, the UK boasts one of the highest densities of the world’s brightest engineers, scientists, and researchers.

This puts UK entrepreneurs in an incredible position to lead the world in these areas, and on October 5 and 6th, we’re assembling a team (or lots of teams) that aims to do just that – improve and accelerate the UK and its tech industry.

Join us in the heart of London to compete against and collaborate with some of the best builders across the UK.

Teams will compete for numerous prizes and recognition, while bringing ideas to life, and connecting with some of the most inspiring and brightest technical minds across the country. 

We’re looking for people who want to transform industries, enhance lives, and accelerate the UK towards a brighter future.

If you fit the description, apply to one of the five tracks below:

  • “Owning the Internet”

Today’s blockchains and crypto infrastructure enable an internet without extractive middlemen and a growing paradigm of applications where users can verifiably own their identity, content, and data, and developers can permissionlessly build with composable ‘legos’ across financial, social, and media ecosystems, unlocking entirely new consumer experiences. 

Hack with us and use blockchains to build the next generation of consumer applications

  • “Augmented Humanity”

With state-of-the-art open source AI models and rapidly decreasing compute costs, it’s never been easier to build something that 50x’s the professional or creative output of the most capable humans. 

Hack with us and push the boundaries of human potential to new heights

  • “Build Back Britain” 

Develop projects that strengthen the UK’s public infrastructure from upgrades to digital health services, to education and local business support. 

Hack with us and create solutions that catapult Britain into the 22nd century

  • “Humans as First Class Digital Citizens” 

As AI becomes increasingly integrated into our digital lives, distinguishing human-generated content from AI and verifying humanity online is more challenging than ever. Explore solutions for verifying media authenticity, provenance, and unique personhood, while building mechanisms that enhance human-agent cooperation.

Hack with us and ensure that human presence remains central in the digital age

  • “The Future of Health”

Healthcare & life sciences are two of the largest final frontiers for true modernization through engineering & technology. We believe the next decade will see a seismic shift in these multi-trillion dollar industries as AI & blockchains reinvent how we diagnose, treat, and manage disease and deliver health.

Hack with us to build the Future of Health


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