a16z crypto is a venture capital fund that invests in crypto and web3 startups.
We have over $7.6 billion in committed capital across multiple funds, and have been investing in web3 – across all stages – since 2013, under the direction of founding general partner Chris Dixon, as part of Andreessen Horowitz.
The first era of the modern internet [~1990-2005] was about open protocols that were decentralized and community-governed. Most of the value accrued to the edges of the network: users and builders. The second era of the internet [~2005-2020] favored siloed, centralized services. Most of the value accrued to a handful of large tech companies. We are now beginning the third era of the internet – what many call web3 – which combines the decentralized, community-governed ethos of the first era with the advanced, modern functionality of the second era. This unlocks a new wave of creativity and entrepreneurship.
a16z crypto supports our portfolio and the growth of web3 through the following operations:
- research organization
- engineering and security teams
- legal and regulatory teams
- go-to-market networks
- recruiting services
- governance and infrastructure
- educational content and media properties
- Crypto Startup Accelerator (CSX)
- Aaditya Shidham
- Aiden Slavin
- Ali Yahya
- Alisha Litman
- Angelica Gehr
- Anna Semenova
- Anthony Albanese
- Arianna Simpson
- Aubree Pelaez
- Benjamin Wu
- Bill Hinman
- Brian Quintenz
- Brooke Sheresky
- Carl Agnelli
- Carra Wu
- Casey Graul
- Charlie Keinath
- Chris Dixon
- Chris Lyons
- Claudia Picanco
- Collin McCune
- Conner Brown
- Craig Naylor
- Daejun Park
- Dan Boneh
- Daniel Reynaud
- Danielle Shea
- Daren Matsuoka
- David Sverdlov
- Denise Gonzalez
- Ed Lynch
- Eddy Lazzarin
- Elizabeth Harkavy
- Emily Graff
- Emily Hinsch
- Emily Westerhold
- Eva Sakkas
- Fiona Kennedy
- Guy Wuollet
- Hedi Samar
- Helen Stoddard
- Henri Kor
- Hoang Nguyen
- Ian Dutra
- Jai Ramaswamy
- Jana Odehnal
- Jane Lippencott
- Jared Bricklin
- Jason Rosenthal
- Jay Drain
- Jean Reilly
- Joachim Neu
- Joey Burleson
- Joseph Bonneau
- Joshua Grimm
- Justin Simcock
- Justin Thaler
- Kate Dellolio
- Katherine Schoebel
- Kim Milosevich
- Madan Nagaldinne
- Maggie Hsu
- Marianne Winkler
- Matt Gleason
- Max Kesten
- Mehdi Hasan
- Michael Lee
- Michael Zhu
- Michele Korver
- Mike Jones
- Mike Manning
- Miles Jennings
- Noah Citron
- Paul Cafiero
- Peter Chan
- Pranav Garimidi
- Pyrs Carvolth
- Richard Rosenblatt
- Robert Hackett
- Ross Shuel
- Ryan Prescott
- Sagar Dhawan
- Sam Broner
- Samantha Gelt
- Scott Duke Kominers
- Scott Walker
- Sep Kamvar
- Shari Doherty
- Sonal Chokshi
- Stephanie Zinn
- Stephen Armanios
- Tim Roughgarden
- Tim Sullivan
- Tina Anderson
- Tori Landrum
- Victoria Butcher
- Wendy Drpic
- Whitney Owens
- Wing Cheng
- Zachary Gray